How To Set Up A Clip Command On Streamlabs Cloudbot Easy Guide

How to Connect Streamlabs to Twitch These can be digital goods like game keys or physical items like gaming hardware or merchandise. To manage these giveaways in the best possible way, you can use the Streamlabs chatbot. Here you can easily create and manage raffles,...

9 Best Uses Of Chatbots For Restaurants

How Restaurants Can Effectively Use Chatbots? Let us look at the immediate pros and cons of bringing in this new technology into the restaurant business. But for restaurant owners, it will become more important than ever to implement this technology. It is pretty...

Natural Language Understanding NLU

NLP vs NLU vs. NLG: Understanding Chatbot AI AI has transformed a number of industries but has not yet had a disruptive impact on the legal industry. A great NLU solution will create a well-developed interdependent network of data & responses, allowing specific...

5 Amazing Examples Of Natural Language Processing NLP In Practice

The Power of Natural Language Processing Based on training data on translation between one language and another, RNNs have achieved state-of-the-art performance in the context of machine translation. StructBERT is an advanced pre-trained language model strategically...

Step-By-Step Guide: How to Handle Customer Complaints

Customer complaints: Top 7 common complaints & how to resolve them Sometimes, if left alone, these complaints can snowball and turn into a much bigger issue, so it’s important to be proactive and address these as quickly as possible. You can handle this by...